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COVID-19 deaths broken down by pre-existing health condition, including those who were terminally ill
Deaths from COVID-19 broken down by ICD-10 code and section of the death certificate and how deaths are coded and recorded
2019 mortality data for Buckinghamshire, broken down into Aylesbury Vale District Council, Chiltern District Council, South Bucks District Council and Wycombe District Council
Dataset with COVID-19 deaths broken down by date of death, age, cause, secondary cause, date of diagnosis, and county of death registration
Monthly or quarterly statistics for active UK Large Goods Vehicle Drivers (SOC 8211) broken down by nationality or country of birth over the past 10 years
Estimates of the UK population, including estimates broken down by citizenship including non-UK citizens, EU citizens and the population estimates used in GDP per capita calculations for 2015 to 2020
New Fellows to work with the Office for National Statistics and 10 Downing Street to help deliver data science for the public good