Methodology related to mathau o gyflogaeth a chyflogeion

  • Progress against the Labour Force Survey National Statistics Quality Review recommendations

    Methodoleg | Released on 28 July 2021

    The Labour Force Survey National Statistics Quality Review was published in February 2014. This article provides an update on progress against the recommendations.

    Allweddeiriau: NSQR, LFS

  • Labour Force Survey weighting methodology

    Methodoleg | Released on 17 May 2021

    New population weights using PAYE Real-Time Information data to allow for changes to Labour Force Survey (LFS) collection methods, and changes to population movements in 2020. To be applied to LFS results from July 2021.

    Allweddeiriau: LFS, weights, population, recalibration

  • Update to Coronavirus - impact on labour market outputs

    Methodoleg | Released on 26 January 2021

    This article lists the changes to labour market outputs as a result of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

    Allweddeiriau: reweighting, employment, unemployment, hours

  • Labour Market Survey attrition test: technical report

    Methodoleg | Released on 12 January 2021

    Technical design of the Labour Market Survey attrition test, detailing the survey design and data collection methodology. Includes response results from experimental tests that formed part of the survey design.

    Allweddeiriau: Employment, LMS, labour market statistics, research, social survey

  • Labour Market Survey attrition test: characteristics report

    Methodoleg | Released on 12 January 2021

    Details on the characteristic profile of the responding sample to the Labour Market Survey Attrition Test – providing evidence on the socio-demographic profile of respondents across three subsequent waves using an online approach to data collection.

    Allweddeiriau: Characteristics, Labour force survey

  • A guide to labour market statistics

    Methodoleg | Released on 16 June 2020

    Explanation of the major concepts that exist within the labour market and their relationship to each other.

    Allweddeiriau: employment, unemployment, jobs, earnings, wages

  • Measuring and reporting reliability of Labour Force Survey and Annual Population Survey estimates

    Methodoleg | Released on 1 May 2020

    Identification of existing threshold rules in Labour Force and Annual Population Surveys, with recommendations to improve consistency and the communication of uncertainty.

    Allweddeiriau: LFS thresholds, measuring uncertainty, , LFS disclosure

  • Labour Market Survey: comparative estimates report

    Methodoleg | Released on 6 February 2020

    This report provides a comparison of core labour market outputs from the Labour Market Survey Statistical Test and the Labour Force Survey over the same period (November 2018 to January 2019). It highlights methodological differences and similarities and provides some commentary on the comparability of such figures, as well as recommendations for future research.

    Allweddeiriau: research outputs, employment, unemployment, economic inactivity

  • Labour Market Survey: research and results overview

    Methodoleg | Released on 6 February 2020

    Summary of findings from each Labour Markey Survey Statistical Test report as well as an overview of the purpose of the test, information on the survey design, and the work that will follow on from the results.

    Allweddeiriau: LMS, LFS, Force

  • Labour Market Survey: characteristics report

    Methodoleg | Released on 6 February 2020

    The characteristic profile of the responding sample to the Labour Market Survey, providing the first available evidence on the socio-demographic composition for the transformed, mixed-mode survey.

    Allweddeiriau: LMS, LFS, Force