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  • JOBS03: Employee jobs by industry

    Set ddata | Released on 11 June 2024

    Employee jobs by industry and sex, UK, published quarterly, not seasonally adjusted.

    Allweddeiriau: health, education, social care, services, job types

  • JOBS01: Workforce jobs summary

    Set ddata | Released on 11 June 2024

    Workforce jobs summary, UK, published quarterly, seasonally adjusted.

    Allweddeiriau: employment type, armed forces, government-supported trainees, employee jobs, self-employment jobs

  • JOBS02: Workforce jobs by industry

    Set ddata | Released on 11 June 2024

    Workforce jobs by industry, employee jobs by industry and self-employment jobs by industry. UK, published quarterly.

    Allweddeiriau: manufacturing, construction, health, education, job types

  • Revisions to workforce jobs by component

    Set ddata | Released on 12 December 2023

    This dataset displays revisions to the workforce jobs (WFJ) series, released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on 12 December 2023 in the Vacancies and jobs statistical bulletin.

    Allweddeiriau: labour market, employment, revisions, employee

  • JOBS05: Workforce jobs by region and industry

    Set ddata | Released on 11 June 2024

    Workforce jobs by industry, UK countries and English regions, published quarterly, seasonally adjusted.

    Allweddeiriau: manufacturing, construction, health, education, job types

  • JOBS04: Self-employment jobs by industry

    Set ddata | Released on 11 June 2024

    Self-employment jobs by industry and sex, UK, published quarterly, not seasonally adjusted. Labour Force Survey data are official statistics in development.

    Allweddeiriau: health, education, social care, services, job types

  • JOBS06: Workforce jobs revisions triangle

    Set ddata | Released on 11 June 2024

    Workforce jobs revisions triangle, UK, published quarterly.

    Allweddeiriau: revised data, methodology improvements, benchmarking, data quality, seasonal adjustment

  • JOBS07: Workforce jobs sampling variability

    Set ddata | Released on 12 September 2023

    Workforce jobs sampling variability estimates (95% confidence intervals and coefficients of variation). These sampling variability estimates are usually updated once a year.
  • Regional Employee Jobs unadjusted

    Data a gyrchwyd gan y defnyddiwr | Released on 16 December 2015 | Ref: 005131

  • X03: Reconciliation of estimates of employment and jobs

    Set ddata | Released on 11 October 2022

    Reconciles estimates of workforce jobs (derived primarily from employer surveys) with estimates of employment (derived from the Labour Force Survey). The spreadsheet is updated in those months when estimates of workforce jobs are published.