All data related to Employees in the UK: provisional results 2020
Number of employees in the UK, full-time and part-time, by sector, industry, country and English region, from the Business Register and Employment Survey (BRES).
Annual employee and employment estimates for Great Britain and UK split by broad industry group Standard Industrial Classification: SIC 2007. Results given by full-time or part-time and public or private splits.
Annual employee and employment estimates for Great Britain and UK split by two, three and five-digit Standard Industrial Classification: SIC 2007. Results given by full-time or part-time and public or private splits.
Annual employee and employment estimates for the UK split by local authority county. Results given by full-time or part-time and public or private splits.
Annual employee and employment estimates for the UK split by local authority district. Results given by full-time or part-time and public or private splits.
Annual employee and employment estimates for the UK split by region and broad industry group Standard Industrial Classification: SIC 2007. Results given by full-time or part-time and public or private splits.
Annual employee and employment estimates for Great Britain and UK split by region. Results given by full-time or part-time and public or private splits.