4 results , sorted by title
EARN01: Average weekly earnings
Average weekly earnings at sector level headline estimates, Great Britain, monthly, seasonally adjusted. Monthly Wages and Salaries Survey.Allweddeiriau: total pay, regular pay, industry, public sector, private sector
EARN02: Average weekly earnings by sector
Average weekly earnings at sector level including manufacturing, finance and services, Great Britain, monthly, non-seasonally adjusted. Monthly Wages and Salaries Survey.Allweddeiriau: pay, industry, bonuses, public sector, private sector
EARN03: Average weekly earnings by industry
Average weekly earnings at industry level including manufacturing, construction and energy, Great Britain, monthly, non-seasonally adjusted. Monthly Wages and Salaries Survey.Allweddeiriau: pay, bonuses, health, education, wholesale and retail trade
X09: Real average weekly earnings using consumer price inflation (seasonally adjusted)
Average weekly earnings for the whole economy, for total and regular pay, in real terms (adjusted for consumer price inflation), UK, monthly, seasonally adjusted.Allweddeiriau: total pay, regular pay, wages, salaries, bonuses