All data related to An overview of workers who were furloughed in the UK: October 2021

  • Characteristics of people who have been furloughed in the UK

    Set ddata | Released on 1 October 2021

    Individual and labour market characteristics of people who have been furloughed. Experimental statistics using data from the Labour Force Survey (UK) and Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (Great Britain) to understand the labour market flows of people who have been furloughed; summary statistics and model results.

    Allweddeiriau: Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, jobs, skills, labour market flows

  • Labour market flows for people who have been furloughed in the UK

    Set ddata | Released on 1 October 2021

    Labour market flows of people who have been furloughed. Experimental statistics using data from the Labour Force Survey (UK) and Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (Great Britain) to understand the individual and labour market characteristics of people who have been furloughed; summary statistics and model results.

    Allweddeiriau: Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, jobs, skills, labour market flows

  • Skill set of people who have been furloughed in Great Britain

    Set ddata | Released on 1 October 2021

    Skill set of people who have been furloughed: the types of skills furloughed workers think they are good at, would like to improve for their career and use in their current job. Experimental statistics using data from the Labour Force Survey (UK) and Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (Great Britain) to understand the labour market flows of people who have been furloughed; summary statistics and model results.

    Allweddeiriau: Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, jobs, skills, labour market flows