Canlyniadau chwilio ar gyfer coronary heart disease
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Nid yw holl gynnwys y cyfrifia wedi'i ryddhau. Edrychwch am ddatganiadau sydd i ddod ar y calendr datganiadau. Fel arall, gallwch greu set ddata eich fun.
Avoidable Mortality in England and Wales: Reference Table 2
Number of deaths, age-standardised mortality rates (with 95 per cent confidence intervals) and considered avoidable in England, Wales and Regions of England, 2001-2013.
Avoidable mortality in England and Wales
Annual age-standardised mortality rates for causes considered avoidable, treatable and preventable in England and Wales, 2001 to 2022.
Avoidable mortality in England and Wales – children and young people
Annual age-standardised mortality rates for causes considered avoidable, treatable and preventable in England and Wales for children and young people (aged 0 to 19 years), 2001 to 2022.
Age-standardised mortality rates and years of life lost for causes considered avoidable, amenable and preventable, England and Wales, and English regions
The age-standardised rates, standardised years of life lost and the total numbers of deaths for causes considered avoidable, amenable and preventable.
Number of deaths and age-standardised mortality rates for causes considered avoidable in children and young people, England and Wales
The age-standardised rates, standardised years of life lost and a detailed breakdown of the number of avoidable deaths in children and young people.
Number of avoidable deaths by broad cause group, sex and 5-year age group, England and Wales
The number avoidable deaths broken down by broad cause group, sex and 5-year age group
Avoidable mortality in the UK QMI
Quality and Methodology Information for avoidable mortality in the UK, detailing the strengths and limitations of these data, methods used and data uses and users.
Heart of the South West LEP by Middle-layer Super Output Area
Heart of the South West local enterprise partnership (LEP) local unit employment and employees by size, 2020
RPI: Ave price - Cabbage, hearts, per Kg