
Population estimates for the UK, England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland: mid-2023
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- The UK population at mid-year 2023 was estimated to be 68.3 million, an increase of 1.0% since mid-2022.
- The population grew faster in England and in Wales (both 1.0%) than in Scotland (0.8%) or Northern Ireland (0.5%).
- Net international migration was the main contributor to population increase for all four countries of the UK in the year to mid-2023.
Datasets related to Amcangyfrifon poblogaeth
Analysis of population estimates tool for UK
Interactive analysis of estimated population change for England and Wales, by geography, age and sex. Annual estimates are from mid-2011 onwards.
Estimates of the population for England and Wales
National and subnational mid-year population estimates for England and Wales by administrative area, age and sex (including components of population change, median age and population density).
Internal migration in England and Wales
Annual mid-year data on internal migration moves for England and Wales, by local authority, region, single year of age, five-year age group and sex. Data on internal migration moves between local authorities and regions and internal migration moves into and out of each local authority in England and Wales. Also including a lookup table listing each local authority in England and Wales, the region it is located within, its local authority code and region code.
Population estimates: quality information
Quality information on the mid-year population estimates at local authority and region level for England and Wales, by age and sex.
Population by country of birth and nationality (Discontinued after June 2021)
UK residents by broad country of birth and citizenship groups, broken down by UK country, local authority, unitary authority, metropolitan and London boroughs, and counties. Estimates from the Annual Population Survey.
Estimates of the population for the UK, England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland
National and subnational mid-year population estimates for the UK and its constituent countries by administrative area, age and sex (including components of population change, median age and population density).
Publications related to Amcangyfrifon poblogaeth
Statistical bulletins
Population estimates for the UK, England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland: mid-2023
National mid-year population estimates for the UK and its constituent countries, by age and sex.
Population estimates by output areas, electoral, health and other geographies, England and Wales: rebased mid-2012 to mid-2020
National population estimates broken down into small geographical areas (Super Output Areas, health geographies, electoral wards, Parliamentary constituencies and National Parks).
Estimates of the very old, including centenarians, England and Wales: 2002 to 2023
Annual mid-year population estimates for people aged 90 years and over by sex and single year of age to 105 years and over, and comparisons between England and Wales.
Population estimates by marital status and living arrangements, England and Wales: 2022
Annual estimates of population by legal marital status and cohabitation status by age and sex for England and Wales.
2011 Census: Population and household estimates for the United Kingdom, March 2011
Estimates of the usually resident population, by five-year age bands and sex, as well as household estimates for all local authorities.
2011 Census: Population Estimates for the United Kingdom, March 2011
Estimates of the usually resident population of the UK and its constituent countries, by age and sex.
Overview of the UK population
An overview of the UK population incorporating data related to 2020, how it has changed, why it has changed and how it is projected to change in the future.
2011 Census
We look at the first release of unrounded results from the 2011 Census, providing information about the usually resident population of England and Wales. Further analysis is given by age, sex, the number of households and the number of short-term residents. New interactive maps provide specific views on population, household density, the change in population and the number of households between 2001 and 2011.
2011 Census
With an increasingly mobile society there is a need for population statistics to not only look at where people usually live, but to also look at a range of other alternatives. We examine the out of term population (where students and school children are recorded at their “home” address). Analyses are by age, sex and geographical breakdown.
2011 Census
The 2011 Census provides information on the population in England and Wales based on different population bases, including resident population, workplace population and workday population. This report presents the characteristics of the workplace population in the local authorities of England and Wales. The workplace population in a local authority is defined as the population whose usual place of work is in that local authority, including both individuals who live and work in the local authority and individuals who work in the local authority but commute from a home elsewhere within England or Wales.
A comparison of the 2011 Census and the Labour Force Survey (LFS) labour market indicators
We look at the differences in labour market statistics between the 2011 Census and the Labour Force Survey (LFS). Reasons for these differences include; coverage and data issues, coding and classification differences and the self-completion nature of the Census. The Census was found to estimate a higher number of people who were either in employment or actively seeking work, than the LFS, with most of the differences relating to the number of women in the labour market.
Methodology related to Amcangyfrifon poblogaeth
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