Methodology related to ymfudo rhyngwladol

  • The Census 2021 Data Asset longitudinal data source for population in England and Wales: design and plans

    Methodoleg | Released on 27 January 2023

    The Census 2021 Data Asset high-level design: exploring the feasibility of maintaining an anonymised person-level longitudinal data source based on Census 2021.

    Allweddeiriau: proof of concept, administrative data, personal data, transformation programme, population

  • Guidance on using country of birth, nationality, and passports held data

    Methodoleg | Released on 25 August 2022

    A guide to using country of birth, nationality, and passports held data and statistics. Including definitions of each measure, how these are collected in different data sources and how best to use international migration statistics based on these measures.

    Allweddeiriau: International migration, country of birth, nationality, passports held

  • Refugee Integration Outcomes (RIO) data linkage pilot

    Methodoleg | Released on 15 June 2022

    Methods used to link refugee data to various administrative data in a pilot study led by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and the Home Office.

    Allweddeiriau: Data linkage, Refugee, Administrative data, Refugee data, Refugee statistics

  • International migration – terms, definitions and frequently asked questions

    Methodoleg | Released on 30 November 2021

    An introduction to the main concepts that underpin international migration statistics, including answers to frequently asked questions.

    Allweddeiriau: glossary, international definitions, illegal migrants, bulgarian, romanian, LTIM

  • Population by country of birth and nationality QMI

    Methodoleg | Released on 30 November 2021

    Quality and Methodology Information for population of the UK by country of birth and nationality, detailing the strengths and limitations of the data, methods used, and data uses and users.

    Allweddeiriau: country of birth, methodology, population estimates, migration, UK population

  • Local area migration indicators QMI

    Methodoleg | Released on 17 September 2021

    Quality and Methodology Information for local area migration, detailing the strengths and limitations of the data, methods used, and data uses and users.

    Allweddeiriau: local, migration, immigration, emigration

  • Methods for measuring international migration using RAPID administrative data

    Methodoleg | Released on 16 April 2021

    A summary of the current methods in using the administrative data source the Registration and Population Interaction Database (RAPID) from the Department for Work and Pensions in estimating international migration.

    Allweddeiriau: emigration, immigration

  • Long-Term International Migration estimates methodology

    Methodoleg | Released on 27 February 2020

    In-depth look at methodology of both Long-Term International Migration (LTIM) and the International Passenger Survey (IPS), including preliminary adjustments, assumptions made for variables, and changes over time.

    Allweddeiriau: IPS locations, migrant switchers, visitor switchers, assumptions, methodology changes

  • Long-Term International Migration estimates and their reliability and accuracy

    Methodoleg | Released on 27 February 2020

    Understanding the reliability and accuracy of Long-Term International Migration estimates, including sampling distribution, sampling error, statistical significance and confidence intervals.

    Allweddeiriau: international migration, sampling distribution, sampling error, statistical significance, confidence intervals

  • Short-Term International Migration Estimates for England and Wales QMI

    Methodoleg | Released on 24 May 2019

    Estimates of Short-Term International Migration to and from the UK for England and Wales, by reason for migration, age, sex and citizenship.

    Allweddeiriau: migrants, immigration, emigration