
National Survey of Bereaved People (VOICES): England, 2015
Beth sydd yn y bwletin?
- 3 out of 4 bereaved people (75%) rate the overall quality of end of life care for their relative as outstanding, excellent or good; 1 out of 10 (10%) rated care as poor.
- Overall quality of care for females was rated significantly higher than males with 44% of respondents rating the care as outstanding or excellent compared with 39% for males.
- 7 out of 10 people (69%) rated hospital care as outstanding, excellent or good which is significantly lower compared with care homes (82%), hospice care (79%) or care at home (79%).
Datasets related to System gofal iechyd
UK Health Accounts
UK healthcare expenditure data by financing scheme, function and provider, and additional analyses produced to internationally standardised definitions.
Public service productivity estimates: healthcare: UK
Public service healthcare growth rates and indices for inputs, quality and non-quality adjusted output and productivity, totals and components, for UK, 1995 to 2021
Public service productivity estimates: healthcare, England
Public service healthcare growth rates and indices for inputs, quality and non-quality adjusted output and productivity, totals and components.
Publications related to System gofal iechyd
Statistical bulletins
National Survey of Bereaved People (VOICES): England, 2015
Quality of care delivered in the last 3 months of life for adults who died in England.
2011 Census analysis
This short story presents a picture of the provision of unpaid care in England and Wales in 2011, with an overview of key findings at regional and local authority level and by area deprivation groupings. This story is also accompanied by interactive maps and video podcast.
Expenditure on Healthcare in the UK
This report provides figures for total UK healthcare expenditure in 2013, as well as updated figures for 1997 to 2012. The time series, which starts at 1997 and runs to 2013, is used to analyse the main features of total healthcare expenditure, examining trends in healthcare expenditure per person and as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP). Additional analysis looks at the split between current and capital spending and the division of spending between public and private sectors, as well as presenting an analysis of the composition of household healthcare expenditure.
Public Service Productivity Estimates: Healthcare
Updated output, inputs and productivity estimates for publicly-funded healthcare in the UK. The time series begins in 1995 and this release provides new data for 2011 and 2012. It provides analysis of healthcare output by component and describes the impact of the quality-adjustment factor that is applied. Healthcare inputs are analysed by component.
Methodology related to System gofal iechyd
Darganfyddwch, cymharwch, a dewch yn fyw ystadegau am leoedd yn y Deyrnas Unedig.