205 data results that are related to Live births , sorted by release date
Births and deaths in Welsh National Parks and Local Authorities, mid-year to mid-year 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2022
Baby names for girls in England and Wales
Rank and count of the top names for baby girls, changes in rank since the previous year and breakdown by country, region and month of birth.Allweddeiriau: babies, most popular, baby name, top names
Births by parents’ characteristics
Annual live births in England and Wales by age of mother and father, type of registration, median interval between births, number of previous live-born children and National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC).Allweddeiriau: births, stillbirths, ethnic group, gestation, maternities, registration
Baby names for boys in England and Wales
Rank and count of the top names for baby boys, changes in rank since the previous year and breakdown by country, region and month of birth.Allweddeiriau: babies, most popular, baby name, top names
Birth characteristics
Annual live births in England and Wales by sex, birthweight, gestational age, ethnicity and month. Maternities by place of birth and with multiple births. Stillbirths by age of parents and calendar quarter.Allweddeiriau: still births, births, ethnic group, gestation, maternities, registration
Live births by date of birth groupings, 1982 to 1991 and 2013 to 2022 by local authority in England and Wales
Figures on births by gestation, ethnic group, IMD and area of usual residence, England and Wales: 2021
Births by Lower Layer Super Output area LSOA in England and Wales, mid-year 2021 to 2022
Live births by month of occurrence, sex and area of usual residence of mother, England and Wales, September 2021 to August 2023
Live births by output area, England and Wales, July 2001 to June 2021