4 results , sorted by title
Age standardised mortality rates for England and Wales by sex and ethnic group
Experimental analysis of ethnic differences in cause-specific mortality rates in England and Wales based on 2011 Census and death registrations. -
Emigration weights by age, sex, ethnic group and year
Emigration weights calculated by age, sex and ethnic group based on data from the International Passenger Survey (IPS) and ONS Longitudinal Study (LS). -
Life expectancy estimates for England and Wales by age, sex and ethnic group
Experimental analysis of ethnic differences in life expectancy in England and Wales based on 2011 Census and death registrations. -
Odds of 2011 Census records linking to the patient register
Odds ratios based on sex, age in single years, square of age in single years, age in five year age bands, regions, deprivation quintile and ethnic group