63 Erthyglau that are related to Deaths , sorted by release date
Where to find statistics on UK deaths involving the coronavirus (COVID-19) and infection rates by country (Latest release)
Links to statistics on coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths and infection rates published by the different constituent countries of the UK.Allweddeiriau: COVID-19, coronavirus, UK, England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, testing, cases, deaths registrations, deaths, care home deaths, GRS
Coronavirus (COVID-19) related deaths by ethnic group, England and Wales: 2 March 2020 to 10 April 2020 (Latest release)
Comparison of deaths where the coronavirus (COVID-19) was mentioned on the death certificate by broad age group, sex and ethnic group, using linked census and mortality records on deaths registered up to 17 April 2020. Includes death counts, cause-specific mortality ratios, age-standardised rates and odds ratios to identify differential risks of COVID-19-related deaths.Allweddeiriau: ethnicity, mortality, record linkage, COVID19, COVID-19, COVID 19, corona virus
Changing trends in mortality in England and Wales: 1990 to 2018 (Latest release)
An expansion of previous analysis of recent changes in the trends of mortality rates in England and Wales from 1990 to 2018 (Experimental Statistics).Allweddeiriau: deaths, age-standardised, improvements in mortality, segmented linear regression
Changing trends in mortality by national indices of deprivation, England and Wales: 2001 to 2018 (Latest release)
Analysis of the recent changes in the trends of mortality rates in England and Wales, by deprivation (Experimental Statistics).Allweddeiriau: deaths, age-standardised, deprivation, improvements in mortality
Changing trends in mortality by leading causes of death, England and Wales: 2001 to 2018 (Latest release)
Analysis of the relationship between leading causes of death and the recent changes in the trends of mortality rates in England and Wales.Allweddeiriau: deaths, age-standardised, leading cause, improvements in mortality
Quarterly mortality report, England: October to December 2019 and year-end review (Latest release)
Provisional death registration and death occurrence data for England, broken down by sex and age.Allweddeiriau: provisional deaths, ageing, life expectancy, daily deaths, quarterly deaths
Suicide in Wales since 1981 (Latest release)
A compendium of analysis, including suicide over time by age, sex and method and new analysis of suicide risk by occupation in Wales.Allweddeiriau: suicide risk, suicide prevention, SMR, deaths, mortality
Drug-related deaths "deep dive" into coroners’ records (Latest release)
An experimental "deep dive" study investigating deaths related to drug misuse in 2014 and 2015 using available coroners' records.Allweddeiriau: overdose, heroin, risk, suicide, demographic, lifestyle
Deaths related to volatile substances and helium in Great Britain: 2001 to 2016 registrations (Latest release)
Deaths related to volatile substances and helium in England, Wales and Scotland from 2001 to 2016, by region, sex, age, substances involved and cause of death.Allweddeiriau: solvent abuse, drug abuse, VSA, inhalants, mortality rates
How does deprivation vary by leading cause of death? (Latest release)
Allweddeiriau: Births, Deaths and Marriages, Health, People, Population and Community