All data related to Labour productivity, UK: January to March 2019
Output per hour, per job and per worker for the UK economy and a range of industries including unit labour costs.
Provides estimates of contributions to labour productivity, measured as output per hour (OPH), using the "Generalised Exactly Additive Decomposition" (GEAD) methodology as described in Tang and Wang (2004), UK.
Productivity hours and output per hour by industry division (two-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)). Seasonally and non-seasonally adjusted. Experimental Statistics, UK.
Quarterly output per hour, output per job and output per worker for the whole UK economy and a range of industries.
Quarterly output per hour, output per job and output per worker for the whole UK economy and a range of industries.
Revisions triangles for the main labour productivity variables.
Underlying labour inputs behind the labour productivity estimates by industry and industrial sector as defined by the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC), UK.
Quarterly UK productivity hours and jobs for the International Territorial Level 1 (ITL1) geographies. Seasonally adjusted and non-seasonally adjusted experimental statistics, UK.
Annual output per hour and output per job for the whole economy across 13 regions in the UK.