1. Introduction
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic presents a significant challenge to the UK, and the Office for National Statistics (ONS) is working to ensure that the UK has the vital information needed to respond to the impact of this pandemic on our economy and society. This means we will need to ensure that information is provided faster, using new data sources and changing how our surveys operate, which includes reviewing methodology, to ensure we provide the information necessary as the situation unfolds. The overall impact on the ONS was outlined in a statement released on 19 March 2020, with further details published in another statement released on 27 March 2020. The statement released on 24 September 2020 was on the ONS' future analytical work programme in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
The effects of the pandemic on our capacity and capability during this period means we continue to review the existing labour market releases. This action will protect the delivery and quality of our remaining outputs as well as ensuring we can respond to new demands as a direct result of the coronavirus pandemic, as outlined previously.
Changes to outputs are listed here, together with the effective date.
Nôl i'r tabl cynnwys2. Tuesday 23 March 2021
LFS responses are weighted to official 2018-based population projections on demographic trends that pre-date the coronavirus pandemic. In our Coronavirus and the impact on payroll employment article, we analyse the population totals used in the LFS weighting process and state our intention to make adjustments. Rates published from the LFS remain robust, however, levels and changes in levels should be used with caution. This will particularly affect estimates for country of birth, nationality, ethnicity and disability.
While investigations continue into the population totals used in the LFS weighting process, the Reconciliation of estimates of jobs article has been postponed.
Nôl i'r tabl cynnwys3. Tuesday 26 January 2021
Due to resource and prioritising key outputs, several outputs have been temporarily suspended.
The single-month and weekly Labour Force Survey (LFS) estimates article will not be updated. However, data for the latest period will be available in Tables X01 (Labour Force Survey single-month estimates) and X07 (Labour Force Survey weekly estimates). The data will also be referred to where appropriate in the other labour market bulletins. The suspension of the article will free up resource in both our Labour Market and Publishing teams.
International comparisons of the labour market published as part of the monthly labour market release (table 17 in A01 and dataset A10) will not be updated. All data are readily available elsewhere on the ONS, Eurostat, OECD, Statistics Canada and US Bureau of Labour Statistics websites.
Job seekers' allowance tables (JSA01, JSA02, JSA02.1, JSA03, BEN02 and BEN03) will not be published on the ONS website. The data will still be available on NOMIS.
Nôl i'r tabl cynnwys4. Tuesday 15 December 2020
Following a temporary suspension, the single-month and weekly Labour Force Survey (LFS) estimates bulletin has now been updated. Underlying data for the latest period are also available in Tables X01 (Labour Force Survey single-month estimates) and X07 (Labour Force Survey weekly estimates).
Following on from October's reweighting to incorporate housing tenure, the following tables and outputs have now been updated with the new methodology:
- EMP02 (Public and private sector employment)
- EMP17 (People in employment on zero hours contracts)
- JOBS01 (Workforce jobs summary)
- JOBS02 (Workforce jobs by industry)
- JOBS04 (Self-employment by industry)
- JOBS05 (workforce jobs by region and industry)
- Local area information from the Annual Population Survey
Please note: EMP03 (Public sector employment by industry) and JOBS02 (Employee jobs by industry) have also been updated with latest data but are not affected by the reweighting methodology.
Nôl i'r tabl cynnwys5. Tuesday 10 November 2020
The single-month and weekly Labour Force Survey (LFS) estimates bulletin will not be updated. However, data for the latest period will be available in Tables X01 (Labour Force Survey single-month estimates) and X07 (Labour Force Survey weekly estimates). The temporary suspension of the bulletin will free up resource in both our Labour Market and Publishing teams in the short-term.
Following on from last month's reweighting to incorporate housing tenure, these tables have now been updated:
- A01 (summary of labour market statistics): most of the data have been updated, including usual weekly hours worked, employment status by educational status, and unemployment by age and duration
- A06 (employment status by educational status)
- A11 (sampling variability)
- HOUR02 (usual weekly hours worked)
- HOUR03 (average hours worked by industry)
- UNEM01 (unemployment by age and duration)
- UNEM03 (unemployment by previous industrial sector)
- X01 (single-month LFS estimates)
- X05 (comparison of unemployment and the claimant count)
- X07 (weekly LFS estimates)
Our quarterly tables have now been revised to include weighting incorporating housing tenure:
- A04 (Summary of employment, unemployment and economic inactivity for people below state pension age)
- A08 (Labour Market status of disabled people)
- A09 (Labour Market by ethnic group)
- A12 (Employment, unemployment and economic inactivity by country of birth and nationality)
- EARN04 to EARN08 (LFS earnings)
- EMP06 (Employment by country of birth and nationality)
- EMP07 (Temporary employees)
- EMP11 (Employment by socio-economic classification)
- EMP13 (Employment by industry)
- EMP14 (Employees and self-employed by industry)
- EMP15 (Job related training received by employees)
- EMP16 (Underemployment and overemployment)
- X02 (Labour Force Survey Flows estimates)
We have also reintroduced Table RED02 (Redundancies by industry, age and region).
Data for EMP17 (People in employment on zero hours contracts) has not yet been updated to include weighting incorporating housing tenure; it will be revised on 15 December 2020.
Please note, revisions to estimates to take into account the weighting incorporating housing tenure for:
- Young people not in education, employment or training (NEET) in the UK will be updated on 19 November 2020
- Working and workless households in the UK will be updated on 25 November 2020
- Local area information from the Annual Population Survey will be updated on 15 December 2020
6. Tuesday 13 October 2020
Because of the coronavirus pandemic and the suspension of face-to-face interviewing in March, we had to make operational changes to the Labour Force Survey (LFS), particularly in the way that we contact households for interview, which moved to a "by telephone" approach. These changes have resulted in a response where certain characteristics have not been as well represented as previously. In particular, the proportion of households where people own their homes in the sample has increased and rented accommodation households has decreased. David Freeman explains more about this in his recent blog .
To mitigate the impact of this non-response bias, we have introduced weighting to incorporate housing tenure from January to March 2020 onwards. This has resulted in revisions to all estimates for the periods January to March 2020 through to May to July 2020 and has consequently had an impact on the trend for a number of the published series, published in Coronavirus and its impact on the Labour Force Survey.
The following LFS content were suspended for the October 2020 release to ensure resource was available for producing the reweighted data (these datasets will be updated for the November 2020 release):
- A01 (summary of labour market statistics): most of the data have been updated, except usual weekly hours worked, employment status by educational status, and unemployment by age and duration
- A06 (employment status by educational status)
- A11 (Sampling variability)
- HOUR02 (usual weekly hours worked)
- HOUR03 (average hours worked by industry)
- UNEM01 (unemployment by age and duration)
- UNEM03 (unemployment by previous industrial sector)
- X01 (single-month LFS estimates)
- X05 (comparison of unemployment and the claimant count)
- X07 (weekly LFS estimates)
- Single-month and weekly Labour Force Survey Estimates article
7. Tuesday 16 June 2020
Public sector employment bulletin - all data tables were made available and any commentary was added to the Vacancies and jobs in the UK bulletin on 16 June 2020; on review, reporting of public sector employment data has now been changed to be a headline-only bulletin and was published in its new format on 15 September 2020.
Index of Labour Costs per Hour (ILCH) - bulletin and data were suspended on 16 June 2020; the latest data were published on 15 September 2020 and will continue to be published on a quarterly basis.
8. Wednesday 3 June 2020
- Working and workless households release - bulletin and data were suspended on 3 June, a headline-only release was published 26 August (covering data for April to June 2020) and a shortened version of the regional workless households data were published on 29 July 2020.
9. Tuesday 19 May
UK and non-UK people in the labour market - the article continues to be suspended, but all data tables remain available as part of the main labour market release.
Labour market flows data were suspended for 19 May release - these related to October to December 2019 and January to March 2020, and very little coronavirus pandemic impact would be covered; the following release was published as normal in August 2020, for January to March and April to June 2020.
Some of the quarterly LFS tables were suspended as resources required. The following LFS tables were suspended on 19 May, but they were published on 28 May and are now published as normal on a quarterly basis:
EMP11 (part-time and temporary workers by socio-economic classification)
EMP13 (employment by industry)
EMP15 (job-related training received by employees)
EMP16 (underemployment and overemployment)
EARN04-08 (LFS earnings tables)
10. Tuesday 21 April
- Labour disputes published as part of the monthly labour market release along with the annual article (which is not currently scheduled but was previously published in May) - data collection and publication will cease for the foreseeable future; data for the missing periods will not be available later.