93 results , sorted by title
CLA01: Claimant Count
Claimant Count by sex including Jobseeker's Allowance and out of work Universal Credit claimants, UK, published monthly. These are official statistics in development.Allweddeiriau: benefits, claims, unemployment
CLA02: Claimant Count by age group
Claimant Count by age group and sex, UK, published monthly. These are official statistics in development.Allweddeiriau: benefits, claims, unemployment, Universal Credit, Jobseekers Allowance
CLA03: Claimant Count revisions triangle
Claimant Count revisions triangle, published monthly. These are official statistics in development.Allweddeiriau: benefits, claims, unemployment, revised data, reasons for revisions
Claimant count and vacancies time series
This dataset contains series for the Claimant Count (which measures the number of people claiming unemployment-related benefits) and vacancies.Allweddeiriau: work, jobless, wages, salaries, vacancies
EARN01: Average weekly earnings
Average weekly earnings at sector level headline estimates, Great Britain, monthly, seasonally adjusted. Monthly Wages and Salaries Survey.Allweddeiriau: total pay, regular pay, industry, public sector, private sector
EARN02: Average weekly earnings by sector
Average weekly earnings at sector level including manufacturing, finance and services, Great Britain, monthly, non-seasonally adjusted. Monthly Wages and Salaries Survey.Allweddeiriau: pay, industry, bonuses, public sector, private sector
EARN03: Average weekly earnings by industry
Average weekly earnings at industry level including manufacturing, construction and energy, Great Britain, monthly, non-seasonally adjusted. Monthly Wages and Salaries Survey.Allweddeiriau: pay, bonuses, health, education, wholesale and retail trade
EARN04: Gross weekly earnings of full-time employees
Gross weekly earnings of full-time employees by sex, UK, quarterly, not seasonally adjusted. Labour Force Survey. These are official statistics in development.Allweddeiriau: wages, salaries, pay, decile, quartile
EARN05: Gross weekly earnings of full-time employees by region
Gross weekly earnings of full-time employees by region, UK, quarterly, not seasonally adjusted. Labour Force Survey. These are official statistics in development.Allweddeiriau: wages, salaries, pay, regional pay differences
EARN06: Gross weekly earnings by occupation
Gross weekly and hourly earnings by level of occupation, UK, quarterly, not seasonally adjusted. Labour Force Survey. These are official statistics in development.Allweddeiriau: wages, salaries, pay, skilled, unsilled