86 results , sorted by title
A07: Regional labour market summary
Labour market indicators for UK countries and regions, including employment, unemployment and economic inactivity, rolling three-monthly figures published monthly, seasonally adjusted. Labour Force Survey. These are official statistics in development.Allweddeiriau: economic activity, working age, not working
A08: Labour market status of disabled people
Labour market status of disabled people, UK, published quarterly, non-seasonally adjusted. Labour Force Survey. These are official statistics in development.Allweddeiriau: employment, unemployment, economic inactivity, disability, poor health
A09: Labour market status by ethnic group
Labour market status by ethnic group, UK, published quarterly, non-seasonally adjusted. Labour Force Survey. These are official statistics in development.Allweddeiriau: employment, unemployment, self-employment, economic inactivity, ethnicity
A10: International comparisons of employment and unemployment rates
International comparisons of employment, unemployment and economic inactivity, published monthly. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.Allweddeiriau: OECD, EU, eurozone, G7, jobs
A11: Labour Force Survey sampling variability
Sampling variability for Labour Force Survey estimates of employment, unemployment and economic inactivity, 95% confidence intervals, rolling three-monthly figures, non-seasonally adjusted. These are official statistics in development.Allweddeiriau: uncertainty, average weekly hours, country of birth, nationality, region
A12: Employment, unemployment and economic inactivity by nationality and country of birth
Labour market activity by nationality, country of birth and age, UK, published quarterly, non-seasonally adjusted. Labour Force Survey. These are official statistics in development.Allweddeiriau: employment, unemployment, economic inactivity, EU workers, non-EU workers
Average weekly earnings time series
Average weekly earnings, UK, monthly.Allweddeiriau: total pay, regular pay, wages, salaries, bonuses
BEN01: Main out of work benefits
Main out of work benefits. This table is usually updated four times a year in February, May, August and November. -
BEN02: Jobseeker's Allowance claimants (not designated as National Statistics)
Jobseeker's Allowance claimants.Allweddeiriau: work, jobless, wages, salaries, vacancies
BEN03: Jobseeker's Allowance by age and duration (not designated as National Statistics)
Jobseeker’s Allowance by age and duration.Allweddeiriau: work, jobless, wages, salaries, vacancies