All data related to Single month Labour Force Survey estimates: April 2015

  • RED01 NSA: Redundancies levels and rates (not seasonally adjusted)

    Set ddata | Released on 10 September 2024

    Number of people (levels), men and women made redundant and redundancy rates, not seasonally adjusted. These estimates are sourced from the Labour Force Survey, a survey of households. These are official statistics in development.
  • RED01 SA: Redundancies levels and rates (seasonally adjusted)

    Set ddata | Dataset ID: RED01 SA | Released on 10 September 2024

    Number of people (levels), men and women made redundant and redundancy rates, seasonally adjusted. These estimates are sourced from the Labour Force Survey, a survey of households. These are official statistics in development.
  • RED02: Redundancies by age, industry and region

    Set ddata | Dataset ID: RED02 | Released on 10 September 2024

    Redundancies by age, industry, and region, not seasonally adjusted. These estimates are sourced from the Labour Force Survey, a survey of households. These are official statistics in development.
  • UNEM01 NSA: Unemployment by age and duration (not seasonally adjusted)

    Set ddata | Dataset ID: UNEM01 NSA | Released on 10 September 2024

    Unemployment by age and duration (not seasonally adjusted). These estimates are sourced from the Labour Force Survey, a survey of households. These are official statistics in development.
  • UNEM02: Unemployment by previous occupation

    Set ddata | Released on 15 May 2018

    Unemployment by previous occupation. This table is updated four times a year in February, May, August and November. These estimates are sourced from the Labour Force Survey, a survey of households.
  • VACS03: Vacancies by size of business

    Set ddata | Released on 10 September 2024

    Vacancies by size of business.
  • X01: Labour Force Survey single-month estimates

    Set ddata | Released on 10 September 2024

    Single-month estimates of employment, unemployment and economic inactivity, UK, rolling three-monthly figures published monthly, seasonally adjusted. Labour Force Survey.

    Allweddeiriau: single month level, single month rate

  • X02: Labour Force Survey flows estimates

    Set ddata | Released on 13 August 2024

    Flows estimates from the Labour Force Survey, levels and rates, UK, quarterly.

    Allweddeiriau: employment, unemployment, economically inactive, entering labour market, leaving labour market

  • X03: Reconciliation of estimates of employment and jobs

    Set ddata | Released on 11 October 2022

    Reconciles estimates of workforce jobs (derived primarily from employer surveys) with estimates of employment (derived from the Labour Force Survey). The spreadsheet is updated in those months when estimates of workforce jobs are published.
  • X04: Average Weekly Earnings Supplementary Analysis

    Set ddata | Released on 16 March 2016

    The estimates of real earnings, which used to be published at dataset X04 are now available at dataset EARN01. Dataset X04 has therefore been discontinued.