Crynodeb o'r cais

This table provides 2011 Census estimates that classify All usual residents aged 16 to 74 by Method of travel to work (2001 specification) from National level to Ward level) in England and Wales on census day (27 March 2011). PLUS The information in this table is produced using both a person's place of work and their method of travel to work and is comparable with 2001. For example, a person who has indicated their place of work as their home address and said that they travel to work by driving a car or van (eg visiting clients) appears in the category "Work mainly at or from home", as was the case in 2001. This compares with QS701EW which solely uses a person's method of travel to work. In the above example, the person would appear in the category "Driving a car or van".

Please note

This ad-hoc was updated on 7 April 2014.

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