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  • Consumer trends: implied deflator, not seasonally adjusted

    Set ddata | Released on 28 June 2024

    Quarterly and annual data for household expenditure in the UK, implied deflator, not seasonally adjusted. Estimates are consistent with Blue Book 2023.

    Allweddeiriau: household spending, personal expenditure, spending per head, COICOP, classification of individual consumption by purpose

  • Consumer trends: current price, not seasonally adjusted

    Set ddata | Released on 28 June 2024

    Quarterly and annual data on household expenditure in the UK, current price, not seasonally adjusted. Estimates are consistent with Blue Book 2023.

    Allweddeiriau: household spending, personal expenditure, spending per head, classification of individual consumption by purpose, COICOP

  • Consumer trends time series

    Set ddata | Dataset ID: CT | Released on 28 June 2024

    Consumer trends time series dataset up to Quarter 1 (Jan to Mar) 2024. This dataset is consistent with Blue Book 2023.

    Allweddeiriau: household spending, personal expenditure, spending per head, classification of individual consumption by purpose, COICOP

  • Consumer trends: implied deflator, seasonally adjusted

    Set ddata | Released on 28 June 2024

    Quarterly and annual data for household expenditure in the UK, implied deflator, seasonally adjusted. Estimates are consistent with Blue Book 2023.

    Allweddeiriau: household spending, personal expenditure, spending per head, classification of individual consumption by purpose, COICOP

  • Consumer trends: chained volume measure, seasonally adjusted

    Set ddata | Released on 28 June 2024

    Quarterly and annual data on household expenditure in the UK, chained volume measure, seasonally adjusted. Estimates are consistent with Blue Book 2023.

    Allweddeiriau: household spending, personal expenditure, spending per head, classification of individual consumption by purpose, COICOP

  • Consumer trends: current price, seasonally adjusted

    Set ddata | Released on 28 June 2024

    Quarterly and annual data on household expenditure in the UK, current price, seasonally adjusted. Estimates are consistent with Blue Book 2023.

    Allweddeiriau: household spending, personal expenditure, spending per head, classification of individual consumption by purpose, COICOP

  • Consumer trends: chained volume measure, not seasonally adjusted

    Set ddata | Released on 28 June 2024

    Quarterly and annual data on household expenditure in the UK, chained volume measure, not seasonally adjusted. Estimates are consistent with Blue Book 2023.

    Allweddeiriau: household spending, personal expenditure, spending per head, classification of individual consumption by purpose, COICOP

  • Household satellite account, UK

    Set ddata | Released on 9 April 2024

    Biennial data on the output, intermediate consumption and gross value added of home produced services.

    Allweddeiriau: home production, non-market, unpaid work, gross value added, national accounts

  • The UK Tourism Satellite Account (UK-TSA)

    Set ddata | Dataset ID: 5166 | Released on 18 January 2024

    Annual inbound, outbound and domestic expenditure on tourism, internal tourism consumption and employment for the tourism industries.

    Allweddeiriau: tourism expenditure, tourism employment, domestic tourism, travel, international tourism

  • Coronavirus and how people spent their time under lockdown

    Set ddata | Released on 27 May 2020

    Experimental results of the pilot Office for National Statistics (ONS) online time-use study (collected 28 March to 26 April 2020 across Great Britain) compared with the 2014 to 2015 UK time-use study.

    Allweddeiriau: gender, unpaid work, leisure, sex, hhincome, COVID19, COVID 19, corona virus