
Consumer trends, UK: July to September 2024
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- In Quarter 3 (July to September) 2024, household spending growth (adjusted for inflation) was positive 0.5% compared with Quarter 2 (April to June) 2024.
- The largest positive contribution to growth in Quarter 3 2024 was from housing (showing a 0.8% increase compared with Quarter 2 2024).
- The largest negative contribution to growth in Quarter 3 2024 was from transport (showing a 0.5% decrease compared with Quarter 2 2024).
Datasets related to Cyfrifon lloeren
Consumer trends time series
Consumer trends time series dataset up to Quarter 3 (July to September) 2024. This dataset is consistent with Blue Book 2024.
Consumer trends: chained volume measure, seasonally adjusted
Quarterly and annual data on household expenditure in the UK, chained volume measure, seasonally adjusted. Estimates are consistent with Blue Book 2024.
Consumer trends: current price, seasonally adjusted
Quarterly and annual data on household expenditure in the UK, current price, seasonally adjusted. Estimates are consistent with Blue Book 2024.
Household satellite account, UK
Biennial data on the output, intermediate consumption and gross value added of home produced services.
Consumer trends: current price, not seasonally adjusted
Quarterly and annual data on household expenditure in the UK, current price, not seasonally adjusted. Estimates are consistent with Blue Book 2024.
Publications related to Cyfrifon lloeren
Statistical bulletins
Consumer trends, UK: July to September 2024
Household final consumption expenditure (HHFCE) for the UK, as a measure of economic growth. Includes all spending on goods and services by members of UK households.
UK Tourism Satellite Account: 2017
Annual inbound, outbound and domestic expenditure on tourism, internal tourism consumption and employment for the tourism industries.
UK Environmental Accounts: 2024
Measuring the contribution of the environment to the economy, impact of economic activity on the environment, and response to environmental issues.
Expenditure on Healthcare in the UK
This report provides figures for total UK healthcare expenditure in 2013, as well as updated figures for 1997 to 2012. The time series, which starts at 1997 and runs to 2013, is used to analyse the main features of total healthcare expenditure, examining trends in healthcare expenditure per person and as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP). Additional analysis looks at the split between current and capital spending and the division of spending between public and private sectors, as well as presenting an analysis of the composition of household healthcare expenditure.
Methodology related to Cyfrifon lloeren
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