Provides files to download data as it existed for this dataset on previous dates.
Statistics are most often revised for 1 of 2 reasons:
For certain statistics initial estimates are released with the expectation that these may be revised and updated as further data becomes available.
Revisions may also be made when methods or systems are changed.
These types of planned revisions should not be confused with errors in released statistics, which are genuine mistakes. Such mistakes occur rarely and, when they do happen, corrections are made in a timely manner, announced and clearly explained to users in line with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics (Principle 2, Practice 7).
We have identified an error in MRET: UK trade time series where data published for January, February and March 2023 were incorrect. This error occurred because of human error and has now been corrected.
This error only affects MRET: UK trade time series.
We have corrected an error in UK trade time series. The June 2017 value for BOQM and BPBN, has now been corrected. There has been no change to series other than BOQM and BPBN. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
We have corrected an error in Trade in goods: Trade Publication Tables. This affected Table 11, Table 16 and Table 24 only. Within these tables, we have corrected the Monthly Exports figures for Trade in Services and Total Trade, for the months from October 2021 to February 2022.
There has been a minor error identified with the rounding process for a number of monthly total trade series in 2020. This has resulted in rounding discrepancies of about £1m when the annual figure are compared with the 12 month aggregate, and similarly when the quarterly figure are compared with the 3 month aggregate. The series affected are:
This does not impact any of the key points and messages in this release or any other data series.
This has now been corrected.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.
A small error has occurred in some time series within the UK Trade publication Table 18 'UK Trade in Oil' due to a processing issue.
The table and series affected were:
Table 18 UK Trade in Oil CDIDs: BOQM, BPBN, BQBH and BQAX. The errors related to the period January 2017 to June 2018.
Table 18 UK Trade in Oil CDIDs: BQNI, BOQN, BQNJ, BQBH, BQAX, BQAY. The errors related to the 3-month and 12-month ended series.
We have now corrected this error and apologise for any inconvenience
A minor error has been identified with an EU crude oil deflator and the associated chained volume measure series in January 2018. The error was due to a system processing issue and does not affect any other outputs within this release or any other releases. The two series affected have now been corrected.
SEAN - EU(2004):BOP:IM:deflator:SA:Crude oil: SITC 333<br>
SEAW - EU(2004):BOP:IM:CVM:SA:Crude oil: SITC 333
An error has been found in the trade in goods excluding oil, trade in goods excluding erratics and trade in goods excluding oil and erratics chained volume measures (CVMs) for the period January 2017 to March 2018 and related implied deflators (IDEFs) for the period January 1998 to March 2018 published on 10 July 2018. This was due to a processing error and does not affect any other series or aggregates in the MRETS dataset or the UK trade statistical bulletin. The time series affected are: BOXT, BPIT, BQAN, ELBD, BOXV, PBIV, BOVT, BPGT, BOVU, BPGU, BOVV, BPGV. The series have now been corrected.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
A small error in the trade in goods excluding oil and erratics import price indices occurred in the UK Trade: March 2018 publication tables and related time series dataset due to a processing error. The error impacted the trade in goods excluding oil and erratics import price index (series ELBA) for the period January 2018 to March 2018 in Table 3, the trade in goods excluding oil and erratics import price index growth rate in Table 4 and the trade in goods excluding oil and erratics import price indices for EU and non-EU (series SHCM and SHEB) in Table 6.
This had no impact on any other series or commentary in the UK trade: March 2018 publication.
The price series have now been corrected and ONS apologises for any inconvenience this may have caused.
You can see all previous versions of this data on the previous versions page.
An error has been found in the August 2017 Trade in goods MRETS (all BOP EU 2013) timeseries dataset. This affects the series BQHS, BQHQ, CLAS and CLAT for all time periods. This does not affect any other series or aggregates in the MRETS dataset or the UK trade statistical bulletin. The series have now been corrected, we apologise for any inconvenience. Please contact <> for more information.
An error has been identified in the “Total trade excluding erratics” series CPLX, CPLY and CPLZ. These series are included in table 1CONT. of the excel and PDF versions of the publication tables for the UK Trade: December 2016 release and associated time-series dataset. These components have now been corrected.
We apologise for any inconvenience.
The monthly and annual price indices and terms of trade series of the UK trade dataset have been corrected to make them consistent with the quarterly series for the years from 1998 to 2012. These monthly and annual series were not updated when corrected price indices were published on 9 August 2016. We apologise for any inconvenience.