21 results , sorted by title
Changes to public sector finance statistics: Appendix L
Presents the impact of the regular annual data updates incorporated into the public sector finances release in September 2023 on our headline public sector measures.Allweddeiriau: NNDR, leases, PSF impacts, borrowing, public sector finance
General government main aggregates: ESA Table 2
Breakdown of general government expenditure (both current and capital) and revenue.Allweddeiriau: expenditure, EDP, maastricht, surplus, taxes
General government quarterly debt (Maastricht debt): ESA Table 28
Government debt on a quarterly basis, for general government and its sub-sectors.Allweddeiriau: EDP, maastricht, debt, deficit
General government quarterly financial accounts: ESA Table 27
Quarterly financial accounts of the general government sector and its sub-sectors, compiled according to European System of Accounts 2010.Allweddeiriau: EDP, maastricht, debt, deficit
General government quarterly non-financial accounts: ESA Table 25
Breakdown of general government expenditure (both current and capital) and revenue.Allweddeiriau: EDP, maastricht, debt, deficit
Government debt and deficit
Summary, reconciliation and revisions information on UK government deficit and debt figures by calendar and financial year.Allweddeiriau: EDP, maastricht
International Monetary Fund’s Government Finance Statistics framework in the public sector finances: Appendix E
Presents the balance sheet, statement of operations and statement of other economic flows for the public sector, compliant with the Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014: GFSM 2014 presentation.Allweddeiriau: GFSM, net worth, balance sheet, PSF, government finance
Large impacts on public sector fiscal measures excluding banking groups: Appendix B
Large events that affect current public sector net borrowing excluding public sector banks (PSNB ex), and public sector net debt excluding public sector banks (PSND ex) from the period May 2000 onwards. Impacts are shown for the components of public sector net borrowing, net cash requirement and net debt.Allweddeiriau: government, deficit, public finance, PSF, national debt
Maastricht supplementary tables (EDP1) time series dataset
Guide to government finance statistics.Allweddeiriau: debt, EDP, deficit, maastricht
Public sector balances sheet tables: Appendix N
A reconciliation of the latest public sector balance sheet measures.Allweddeiriau: Debt, Gilts, Assets, Liabilities, Public sector