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Previous releases
  • Economic activity and social change in the UK, real-time indicators: 25 July 2024 (Latest release)

    Bwletin ystadegol | Released on 25 July 2024

    Early data on the UK economy and society. These faster indicators are created using rapid response surveys, novel data sources and innovative methods. These are official statistics in development.

    Allweddeiriau: business impacts, cost of living, consumer spending, energy prices, BICS

  • Index of Services, UK: May 2024 (Latest release)

    Bwletin ystadegol | Released on 11 July 2024

    Movements in the volume of output for the UK services industries. Figures are seasonally adjusted.

    Allweddeiriau: national accounts, economic growth, IOS, gross domestic product output approach

  • Index of Production, UK: May 2024 (Latest release)

    Bwletin ystadegol | Released on 11 July 2024

    Movements in the volume of production for UK production industries: manufacturing, mining and quarrying, energy supply, and water and waste management.

    Allweddeiriau: GDP, growths, IoP, sectors, output

  • Investment in intangible assets in the UK by industry: 2019 (Latest release)

    Bwletin ystadegol | Released on 1 December 2021

    This article provides the working definitions of the intangible assets for which the ONS publishes experimental estimates of investment in the market sector and own account production. In addition, we present experimental estimates of investment in intangible assets by industry at the Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (SIC) Division level.
  • Faster indicators of economic activity, UK: February 2020 (Latest release)

    Bwletin ystadegol | Released on 24 March 2020

    This is a timely release of new, faster indicators of economic activity constructed from novel data sources.

    Allweddeiriau: economy, vat, traffic, data science, big data