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  • Visits to location types using Google Mobility

    Set ddata | Released on 29 September 2022

    Changes in the volume of visits to six different location types compared with a pre-coronavirus (COVID-19) baseline, using Google Mobility data.

    Allweddeiriau: realtimeindicators, retail, recreation, workplaces, stations.

  • Daily vehicle flows around ports

    Set ddata | Released on 11 August 2022

    Daily data showing vehicle flows around major ports in England. Contains average 15-minute sensor counts by size of vehicle, and average speeds.

    Allweddeiriau: faster indicators, economy, traffic, ports

  • Vehicle flows around ports

    Set ddata | Released on 11 August 2022

    Monthly data showing vehicle flows around major ports in England. Contains average 15-minute sensor counts by size of vehicle, and average speeds.

    Allweddeiriau: ports, traffic, economy, faster indicators

  • Capital services estimates

    Set ddata | Dataset ID: VICS01 | Released on 7 April 2022

    Indices of capital input to production at a disaggregated level, 57 industries and 13 assets, with corresponding modelled user costs of capital used to weight the component indices. Experimental estimates, UK.

    Allweddeiriau: VICS, Assets, Capital stocks, User costs, Rates of return

  • Value Added Tax (VAT)

    Set ddata | Released on 7 April 2022

    Value Added Tax (VAT) turnover and expenditure diffusion indexes and new VAT reporters using data from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) VAT returns.

    Allweddeiriau: economy, faster indicators, realtimeindicators

  • Shelf availability of items from UK shops

    Set ddata | Released on 10 March 2022

    Data provided by Kantar Public, recording item availability of 21 popular products across the UK and English regions.

    Allweddeiriau: faster indicators, supply, realtimeindicators, shortages, unavailable items

  • Subnational gross value added from non-market education

    Set ddata | Released on 20 December 2021

    Experimental measures of subnational gross value added from non-market education. Estimates are provided for illustrative purposes only and caution should be exercised in interpreting the results.

    Allweddeiriau: school, local, Public, Regional, GVA

  • Road traffic for Great Britain

    Set ddata | Released on 4 June 2021

    Experimental estimates to monitor the use of the transport system during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic using Department for Transport (DfT) data.

    Allweddeiriau: motor vehicles, cars, trucks, light commercial vehicles, heavy goods vehicles

  • Economic activity, faster indicators, UK

    Set ddata | Released on 11 February 2021

    The datasets associated with the Faster indicators of UK economic activity research output.

    Allweddeiriau: economy, VAT, traffic, ship, indicators

  • Business Impact of COVID-19 Survey (BICS) results

    Set ddata | Released on 19 November 2020

    This page is no longer updated. It has been superseded by the Business insights and impacts on the UK economy dataset page (see link in Notices). It contains comprehensive weighted datasets for Wave 7 onwards. All future BICS datasets will be available there. The datasets on this page include mainly unweighted responses from the voluntary fortnightly business survey, which captures businesses’ responses on how their turnover, workforce prices, trade and business resilience have been affected in the two-week reference period, up to Wave 17.

    Allweddeiriau: COVID19, COVID 19, corona virus, coronavirus, industries, continuing trading, finances, business confidence, bics, BICS