Over time, our aim is to produce information on a range of topics such as property size (number of rooms and floor space), property type and overcrowding. Each year we aim to expand the breadth, depth and accuracy of our Research Outputs. This is dependent on the availability of the data and its statistical quality.

We’re also looking at the potential for combining administrative, survey and big data to produce new outputs such as housing affordability or fuel poverty, which are not currently provided by a 10-yearly census.


5 December 2022: Admin-based housing stock profile for England and Wales: 2020
Summary statistics demonstrating the feasibility of producing census-like housing stock statistics using the admin-based housing stock version 1.0 (ABHS V1.0) dataset for 2020.

5 December 2022: Developing admin-based housing stock statistics for England and Wales: 2020
An overview of methods, data sources and data quality for the feasibility research on producing census-like housing stock statistics using administrative data.

26 October 2022: Developing admin-based property floor area statistics for England and Wales: 2021
Research exploring the feasibility of using Valuation Office Agency (VOA) and Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) data to produce a harmonised measure of property size (floor area) across property types for England and Wales.

10 March 2022: Admin-based accommodation type statistics for England and Wales, feasibility research: 2011 Further research demonstrating the improved potential of Valuation Office Agency (VOA) data to provide detailed information on accommodation type, how it compares to the 2011 Census data, and a request for feedback on the usefulness of these statistics.

18 January 2021: Estimating the number of rooms in Census 2021: an update on deriving an occupancy rating from Valuation Office Agency number of rooms
Exploration of differences in room occupancy ratings derived from Census 2011 and linked Valuation Office Agency number of rooms data. The research aims to provide further assurance for the replacement of the number of rooms question in Census 2021.

18 January 2021: Admin-based levels of overcrowding (using the bedroom standard and Valuation Office Agency number of bedrooms), feasibility research: England and Wales: January 2021
Exploration of differences in bedroom occupancy ratings derived from Census 2011 and linked Valuation Office Agency number of bedrooms data. The research demonstrates the potential of deriving levels of overcrowding using the bedroom standard from linked survey and admin data.

31 July 2020: Estimating the number of rooms in Census 2021: an update on imputation methods for Valuation Office Agency data
How we plan to address missing values when replacing the number of rooms question in Census 2021.

31 July 2020: ONS working paper series no 20 – Feasibility of using donor-based imputation for census outputs on number of rooms using Valuation Office Agency data
Demonstration of using a donor-based imputation method (CANCEIS) to address missing values when replacing the number of rooms question on Census 2021.

31 July 2020: Valuation Office Agency property attribute data: quality assurance of administrative data used in Census 2021
Summary of the quality assurance undertaken on administrative data for Valuation Office Agency property attribute data used in Census 2021.

21 February 2020: Admin-based statistics for property type, feasibility research: England and Wales
Early research demonstrating the potential of Valuation Office Agency data to provide detailed information on property type, how it compares to 2011 Census accommodation type, and a request for feedback on the usefulness of these statistics.

21 February 2020: Admin-based statistics for property floor space, feasibility research: England and Wales
Early research demonstrating measures of property size (floor space) from Valuation Office Agency data, which statistics can be generated from these data, what they can and cannot be used for, and a request for feedback on their usefulness.

28 June 2017: Estimating the number of rooms and bedrooms in the 2021 Census: An alternative approach using Valuation Office Agency data
An assessment of the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) dataset as a potential for replacing the questions on number of rooms and bedrooms on the 2021 Census.

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