29 Erthyglau that are related to International trade , sorted by release date
International exports of services from subnational areas of the UK: 2017 (Latest release)
Experimental estimated value of exports of services for 2017 for NUTS1, NUTS2, NUTS3 and 15 joint authorities, including industry and non-EU and EU split.Allweddeiriau: Exports, cities, NUTS, trade
World trade explorer (Latest release)
Use our interactive to understand how the UK trades with the rest of the world.Allweddeiriau: trade, imports, exports, map, interactivetool
Patterns of Northern Ireland trade by destination, product and business characteristics: 2012 to 2016 (Latest release)
The main characteristics of Northern Ireland trade in goods using experimental trade statistics.Allweddeiriau: intensive margin, extensive margin, Northern Irish exports, supply chain, trade in goods
Who does the UK trade with? (Latest release)
Explore the UK's trade relationships through interactive maps, charts and analysis.Allweddeiriau: Trade, Brexit
Where are industry eyes on Brexit? (Latest release)
Allweddeiriau: Brexit, Business, Industry and Trade
Trading places: UK goods trade with EU partners (Latest release)
Allweddeiriau: Business, industry and trade, Brexit, Trade,
Commonwealth trade in focus as UK prepares for Brexit (Latest release)
Allweddeiriau: Business, industry and trade,
UK Perspectives 2016: Trade with the EU and beyond (Latest release)
Allweddeiriau: Business, industry and trade, Economy, UK perspectives 2016,
How important is China to the UK economy? (Latest release)
Allweddeiriau: Business, industry and trade, Economy, Trade,