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  • Labour Market Survey attrition test: technical report

    Technical design of the Labour Market Survey attrition test, detailing the survey design and data collection methodology. Includes response results from experimental tests that formed part of the survey design.

  • Labour Market Survey attrition test: characteristics report

    Details on the characteristic profile of the responding sample to the Labour Market Survey Attrition Test – providing evidence on the socio-demographic profile of respondents across three subsequent waves using an online approach to data collection.

  • Methods used to develop the Health Index for England: 2015 to 2018

    The Health Index is a new tool to measure a broad variety of health outcomes and risk factors over time, and for different geographic areas. This methodology article explains how the Health Index has been constructed.

  • Improving the measurement of household income

    Headline measures of household income and inequality produced using the new Household Finances Survey (HFS) data source, comparing them with previously published estimates derived from the Living Costs and Food Survey (LCF).

  • UK natural capital accounts methodology guide: 2020

    Measurement and development of natural capital ecosystem service accounts, including the specific methods used to value individual components of natural capital and physical and monetary data sources.

  • Producer price indices QMI

    Quality and Methodology Information (QMI) report for the Producer Price Index, detailing the strengths and limitations of the data, methods used, and data uses and users.

  • Multiple business registrations at a single postcode: 2019

    Business demography explainer covering additional information on the impact of multiple registrations at a single postcode.

  • Definitions and conventions for UK household final consumption expenditure

    The statistical presentation of household final consumption expenditure (HHFCE) in consumer trends, including the concepts, coverage and definitions used. More detail is available in National Accounts Concepts, Sources and Methods, particularly Chapter 22 and the related annex.

  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) related deaths by ethnic group, England and Wales methodology

    Technical appendix for the updated ethnic contrasts in deaths involving coronavirus COVID-19 article.

  • Deaths related to drug poisoning in England and Wales QMI

    Quality and Methodology Information for deaths related to drug poisoning in England and Wales, detailing the strengths and limitations of the data, methods used, and data uses and users.