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Dewis pwnc arall neu clirio pob hidlydd.
PS: PS Banks: Current receipts: Rent and other current transfers: £m CPNSA
PC Finance: Bank deposits & other short term assets #m
GG: Interest & dividends (net) from public sector: £m CPNSA
Public Sector gross debt: Debt securities (excl gilts) and loans: £m: CP: NSA
Public Sector: AF.65: Level: Liability: Entitlements to non-pension benefits: £m CP NSA
CG: Net cash requirement: Cash receipts: HMRC: Social security contributions: £m
Public Sector: Assets: Provisions standardised guarantees (AF.66): NSA: £m
Public Sector: Net capital formation plus acquisitions less disposals of non-produced assets (P.5LN): £m: CP: NSA
PS: Public Sector Banks: Current expenditure: Other current grants: £m CPNSA
Public Sector Pensions: Net cash requirement (Own account): £m CPNSA