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56213 canlyniadau
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Nid oes unrhyw ganlyniadau cyfatebol
Dewis pwnc arall neu clirio pob hidlydd.
CG: Current expenditure: UK contributions to EU (D.76u) VAT & GNI: £m CPNSA
Financial Level: GG Consolidated: F2 Liabilities
CG: Current receipts: Taxes on production: Tobacco: £m CPNSA
FA: LA: Asset: Level: British government securities
PS: exc PS Banks: Total current receipts: £m CPNSA
Public Sector: AF.64: Level: Liability: Claims of pension funds on pension managers: £m CP NSA
CG: Corporation Tax (gross of tax credits): £m: NSA
Public Sector Pensions: Net Worth: (B.90): £m: CP: NSA
PS: PS Banks: Current exp: Interest & divs paid to private sector & RoW:£m CPNSA
PS: PS Banks: Net acquisition of company securities: £m CPNSA