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LFS: Unemployment rate: Aged 18-24: Not in full-time educ.: UK: Female: %: S
Private Sector Employment excl major reclassifications; UK;HC;SA;Percentage
Unemployment level by nationality (16+) - Total EU (EU27): Thousands
LM Structure: UK:Female:econ activity rate, not in FTE16-17%QTRS=SeasonsNSA
LFS: Unemployed over 6 and up to 12 months: UK: Female: Aged 16+: 000s: SA
LFS: Economic Inactivity: UK: Women: Aged 15 and over: %: NSA
LFS: ILO unemployment rate: East Midlands: Female: %: SA
AWE: Arts, Entertainment & Recreation Year on Year Single Month Growth (%): Non Seasonally Adjusted Total Pay Including Arrears
Economic inactive: Wants job: Discouraged workers: 16-64: Men: Thousands: SA
LFS: ILO redundancy rate: UK: All: SA