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59342 canlyniadau
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Nid oes unrhyw ganlyniadau cyfatebol
Dewis pwnc arall neu clirio pob hidlydd.
IoS: Q: Human Health and Social Work Activities: 1m on 1m a yr ago growth
GBServTO: 85.32-60 - Techncal/vocational/secndry/higher/oth education TOTAL (£m)
IoS: 74: Other profess scientific and technical activities: Period on Period Growth
Trade in Services (TS): Manufacturing and Maintenance Services: WW: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA: £m
Trade in Goods: Sweden: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
Trade in Goods: Beverages and Tobacco (1): WW: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
GBServTO: 80 - Security & investigation services TOTAL (£m)
Trade in Goods: Food, beverages & tobacco (0and1): Non-EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
Trade in Goods: Footwear (85): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
IoS: IoS: Services: Weights