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56213 canlyniadau
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Manufacturing (period on period 1 year ago contribution ) :CVM SA
National accounts residual error: CP: SA: £m
Household Final Consumption Expenditure: Clothing & footwear: One quarter growth rate %: Current Price: Seasonally Adjusted
Wholesale & Retail Trade;Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles:CVM Index
Gross Capital Formation, cont Q on Q yr ago
IoS: JC: IT and other information service activities: Index-1dp
Water supply; Sewerage,waste management & remediation activities (3m on 3m 1 year ago growth) :CVM SA
IoS: 68.1-2: Buying & selling, renting & operating of own or leased real estate, excluding imputed rent: 3m on 3m growth
Income based: Gross value added at factor cost: CP SA £m
IoS: 62: Computer programming consultancy & related activities: 3m on 3m growth