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83631 canlyniadau
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Nid oes unrhyw ganlyniadau cyfatebol
Dewis pwnc arall neu clirio pob hidlydd.
Net Capital Stock (%): S.1: R&D: Ind P Education: CP
Gross capital stock (£bn): S.1: Other structures: Ind J Info & comms: CVM
Net capital stock (£bn): S.1: Land improvements: Ind S Services nec: CP
Net capital stock (£bn): S.1: Other buildings: Ind JB Telecomms: CP
Capital Consumption (£m): S.1: Plant: Ind CG Rubber/plastics: CVM
Net Capital Stock (£bn): S.1: R&D: Ind CH Basic Metals: CP
Gross Capital Stock (£bn): S.11: Mineral Expl: Ind TOTAL: CP
Gross capital stock (£bn): S.1: Other buildings: Ind L Real estate: CP
Gross capital stock (£bn): S.1: Software: Ind N Admin support: CVM
Gross capital stock (£bn): S.1: TOTAL: Ind R Arts/entertainment: CVM