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LFS Experimental: Economically inactive rate: UK: All: Aged 16-64 (%): Annual Change: SA
AWE: Wholesaling, Retailing, Hotels & Restaurants Year on Year Single Month Growth (%): Non Seasonally Adjusted Regular Pay
Unemployment rate by country of birth (16+) - UK born: %
AWE: Public Sector Excluding Financial Services Yr/Yr Single Month Growth (%): Non Seasonally Adjusted Total Pay Excluding Arrears
LFS: Economic activity rate: UK: Female: Aged 18-24: %: SA
South West - Working age inactive levels: 000s: SA: Men
AWE: Whole Economy Decomposition of Year on Year Growth (%): Wages Non Seasonally Adjusted Regular Pay Including Arrears
AWE: Financial & Insurance Activities Index: Non Seasonally Adjusted Total Pay Including Arrears
Unemployment rate by nationality (16+) - UK national: %
LFS: Employees: Cat E ISIC Rev. 4: UK: People: Aged 15 and over: Thousands: NSA