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Public Sector: Liability: Short-Term Loans: (AF.41): £m: CP: NSA
CG: Total current expenditure: £m CPNSA
CG: Net cash requirement (exc NRAM and B&B, Network Rail): £m CPNSA
PS: Accounts receivable/payable: £m CPNSA
Public Sector: Asset: Long-Term Debt Securities; Bonds Issued by the Rest of the World: (AF.32N9): £m: CP: NSA
PS: Current receipts: Taxes on income and wealth: £m CPNSA
Public Sector: Liability: Investment Fund Shares and Units: (AF.52): £m: CP: NSA
GG: Accounts receivable/payable: £m CPNSA
CG: Current receipts: Taxes on capital: £m CPNSA
CG: Tax instruments: £m CPNSA