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56213 canlyniadau
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Nid oes unrhyw ganlyniadau cyfatebol
Dewis pwnc arall neu clirio pob hidlydd.
IoS: P: Education: Index-1dp
Non-profits institutions annual growth rate YoY CVM SA %
Imports services one quarter growth rate CP SA %
IOP: MIG-NRG:Main Industrial Groupings - Energy: CVMSA
Household Final Consumption Expenditure: Semi-durable goods: Annual growth rate %: Current Price: Seasonally Adjusted
PP: General Government final consumption expenditure, growth annual
Net trade, cont Q on Q yr ago
Water supply; Sewerage,waste management & remediation activities (3m on 3m 1 year ago contribution) :CVM SA
24:Manufacture of Basic Metals: CVM: 3mo3my gr
MIG-COG:Main Industrial Groupings - Consumer Goods: CVM: annual & monthly gr