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66945 canlyniadau
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Nid oes unrhyw ganlyniadau cyfatebol
Dewis pwnc arall neu clirio pob hidlydd.
Expenditure based estimate one quarter growth rate CVM SA %
02 Alcoholic beverages, tobacco & narcotics CVM NAYear SA £m
PP: Gross Capital Formation, growth Q on Q yr ago
Private financial corporations four quarter growth rate
Trade in Services (TS): Personal, Cultural & Recreational Services: WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA: £m
Revision: Household final consumption expenditure, growth annual
CG Inland revenue tax: WTC/CTC Income tax expenditure
Justice & Fire CP SA
Deflator: NPISH final consumption expenditure, growth Q on Q yr ago
"Trade in Services (TS): Personal, Cultural & Recreational Services: Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA: £m"