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Activities of housholds as employers;Undiff goods & services (period on period 1 year ago growth) :CVM SA
IOP: 30.3: Manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery: Weight
IOP: B+C: Mining, Quarrying and Manufacturing: Weight
IOP: 10.1:Processing & preserving of meat & production of meat products: CVMSA
Manufacturing (3 month on 3 month growth) :CVM SA
14:Manufacture of Wearing Apparel: CVM: 3mo3m gr
MIG-NRG-XDE:Main Industrial Groupings -Energy minus D&E:CVM: momy gr
7+8+9:Oth Mining & Quarrying & Mining Support Service Activities:CVM: momy gr
IoS: 93: Sports Activities And Amusement And Recreation Activities: Weights
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing (3 month on 3 month contribution) :CVM SA