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Dewis pwnc arall neu clirio pob hidlydd.
PNFCs total asset : capital consumption; cp £m
Non-UKCS PNFCs net average capital employed in £million
Non-UKCS PNFCs net operating surplus in £million
PNFCs: Service Industries: capital consumption: cp, £m
PNFCs gross operating surplus in £million
Claimant Count : E12000002 North West : Women : SA : Thousands
AWE: Public Sector Year on Year Single Month Growth (%): Seasonally Adjusted Regular Pay Excluding Arrears
Claimant Count : E12000005 West Midlands : People : NSA : Percentage (%)
LFS: Usual weekly hrs of work: In employment: Over 45 hrs: UK: Male: 000s: SA
AWE: Real Estate Activities Level (£): Non Seasonally Adjusted Arrears