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Nid oes unrhyw ganlyniadau cyfatebol
Dewis pwnc arall neu clirio pob hidlydd.
Balance Sheet: S.12: LE: AN.1131: Transport equipment: CP: NSA: £m
Balance Sheet: S.14: LE: AN.211: Land: CP: NSA: £m
Balance Sheet: S.13: LE: AN.112: Other buildings and structures: CP: NSA: £m
Balance Sheet: S.11001: LE: AN.1139: Other Machinery and Equipment: CP: NSA: £m
NPISH (S.15): Financial derivatives and employee stock options (AF.7): Liability: Current price: £m: NSA
Balance Sheet: S.15: LE: AN.117: Intellectual property products: CP: NSA: £m
Balance Sheet: S.11: LE: AN.211: Land: CP: NSA: £m
Balance Sheet: S.11: LE: AN.112: Other buildings and structures: CP: NSA: £m
Balance Sheet: PS: LE: AN.113+114: Machinery, equipment, weapons: CP: NSA: £m
Households (S.14): Insurance, pension and standardised guarantee schemes (AF.6): Asset: Current price: £m: NSA