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66945 canlyniadau
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Nid oes unrhyw ganlyniadau cyfatebol
Dewis pwnc arall neu clirio pob hidlydd.
07 Transport CP SA £m
Gross Fixed Capital Formation:Total Economy:Total Intangible Fixed Assets: CP SA
Revision to Manufacturing CVM growth %
Revision: Government and other, growth annual
Household Final Consumption Expenditure: Housing: One quarter growth rate %: Chained Volume Measures: Seasonally Adjusted
Revision: General Government final consumption expenditure, growth Q on Q yr ag
Compensation of employees D.1 annual growth rate YoY CP SA %
Bop:Total Income Debits EU sa £m
CG: Current receipts: Taxes on income: Corporation tax: £m CPNSA
Subsidies four quarter growth rate %