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GFCF asset 'Private sector dwellings' broken down to its components 'dwellings new' and 'dwellings improvements'
Home ownership down and renting up for first time in a century
All adults aged 50 to 65 years: additional analysis broken down by previous and current sector, household income, and illness
Employment status and reasons for leaving and returning to work during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic: future plans, caring responsibilities, savings and sources of retirement funding, cost of living and partner working status. Main estimates from the Over 50s Lifestyle Study for Great Britain, wave 2, 10 to 29 August 2022.
Adults aged 50 to 65 years who have left work since the coronavirus pandemic and not returned: additional analysis broken down by previous sector, household income, and illness
Employment status and reasons for leaving and returning to work during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic: future plans, caring responsibilities, savings and sources of retirement funding, cost of living and partner working status. Main estimates from the Over 50s Lifestyle Study for Great Britain, wave 2, 10 to 29 August 2022.
England Population broken down by Nsecmj10
Household income broken down in £5,000 segments
Employment broken down by region for January to December 2016
Self-employment proportions broken down by earnings
Proportion of self employed broken down by age
Deaths related to chloroquine and falls on or down stairs, 2001 to 2014