Canlyniadau chwilio ar gyfer cider area
Mireinio'r canlyniadau
Clirio'r cyfan974 canlyniadau
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Dewis pwnc arall neu clirio pob hidlydd.
Nid yw holl gynnwys y cyfrifia wedi'i ryddhau. Edrychwch am ddatganiadau sydd i ddod ar y calendr datganiadau. Fel arall, gallwch greu set ddata eich fun.
Median house prices by Middle layer Super Output Area
Median price paid for residential property in England and Wales, by property type and Middle layer Super Output Area (MSOA). Quarterly rolling annual data. Formerly HPSSA dataset 2.
Residential property sales by Middle layer Super Output Area
Number of new residential property sales in England and Wales, by property type and Middle layer Super Output Area (MSOA). Quarterly rolling annual data. Formerly HPSSA dataset 1.
Lower quartile price paid by Middle layer Super Output Area (MSOA)
Lower quartile price paid for residential property in England and Wales, by property type and middle layer super output area. Quarterly rolling annual data. Formerly HPSSA dataset 4.
Median sale price by dwelling type and middle layer super output area
Average price (median) of houses sold by dwelling type for middle layer super output areas, 1995–2013. Machine readable CSV
Energy efficiency of Housing, England and Wales, middle layer super output area
Data on the energy efficiency of dwellings, environmental impact score and estimated CO2 emissions in England and Wales at the middle layer super output area level. These are broken down by property type, tenure, age of property and whether a dwelling is new or existing.
Median house prices by middle layer super output area: HPSSA dataset 2
Median price paid for residential property in England and Wales, by property type and middle layer super output area. Annual data.
Mean house prices by middle layer super output area: HPSSA dataset 3
Mean price paid for residential property in England and Wales, by property type and middle layer super output area. Annual data.
Sale counts by dwelling type and middle layer super output area, England and Wales
Number of houses sold by dwelling type for middle layer super output areas, 1995–2013. Machine readable CSV
Median house prices by lower layer super output area: HPSSA dataset 46
Median price paid for residential property in England and Wales, for all property types by lower layer super output area. Annual data..
Residential property sales by lower layer super output area: HPSSA dataset 41
Number of residential property sales in England and Wales, by lower layer super output area. Annual data.