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Baby names of boys and girls by region, England and Wales, 2001 to 2021
Top 10 baby names in the 2019 Census Rehearsal local authorities, 2018
The popularity of the name Muhammad/Mohammed/Mohammad
How do the post-World War baby boom generations compare?
Gestation-specific Infant Mortality by social and biological factors among babies
Gestation-specific infant mortality by social and biological factors for all babies born in England and Wales. It includes gestation-specific infant mortality rates by ethnic group.
Live births by sex and ethnicity of baby and age of mother in 2020, England and Wales
Live births by month of occurrence and sex of baby, England and Wales, 2012 to 2020
Live births by sex, parity and country of birth of mother or ethnicity of the baby, England and Wales, 2017 to 2021 aggregated
Baby Names 1988
The ratio of baby names