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Nid yw holl gynnwys y cyfrifia wedi'i ryddhau. Edrychwch am ddatganiadau sydd i ddod ar y calendr datganiadau. Fel arall, gallwch greu set ddata eich fun.
Median Contribution Rates to Workplace Pensions by Earning Band and Sector
Median employee, employer and total contribution rates for employees eligible for automatic enrolment in the public, private and all sectors.
Annex B: Median pay
Annual data on Civil Service employment in the UK, showing the relationship between the salary of the highest-paid employee and median salary of all employees for each department.
Non-financial business economy, UK: employment size-band
Annual data on size and growth within the UK non-financial business sectors, as measured by the Annual Business Survey, broken down by employment size-bands.
Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) Band C or above, England and Wales
Dwellings with EPC Band C or above in England and Wales, by property type, tenure, property age and whether new or existing.
Homes with energy performance certificate (EPC) band C or above, by household characteristics
Data on the percentage of households living in dwellings with an EPC rating of C or above, by household characteristics using Census 2021. Household characteristics in these data include household composition, age of residents, resident health and employment status. Data are provided to country, region and local authority level.
Expenditure Components of UK GDP (Annex B)
The quarterly and annual movements of growth and contributions to growth of expenditure components of GDP.
Annex B: Expenditure components of UK GDP
The quarterly and annual movements of growth and contributions to growth of expenditure components of UK GDP.
Cancer survival by NHS England Area Team: Table B
One and five-year age-standardised net surival for cancer of the stomach.
Large impacts on public sector fiscal measures excluding banking groups: Appendix B
Large events that affect current public sector net borrowing excluding public sector banks (PSNB ex), and public sector net debt excluding public sector banks (PSND ex) from the period May 2000 onwards. Impacts are shown for the components of public sector net borrowing, net cash requirement and net debt.
Children living in long-term workless households, by combined economic status (Table B)
Annual estimates of the number of children living in households in the UK where all the adults have not worked for at least 12 months, by combined economic status of adults in the household.