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Nid oes unrhyw ganlyniadau cyfatebol

Dewis pwnc arall neu clirio pob hidlydd.

Nid yw holl gynnwys y cyfrifia wedi'i ryddhau. Edrychwch am ddatganiadau sydd i ddod ar y calendr datganiadau. Fel arall, gallwch greu set ddata eich fun.

  • Characteristics of Birth 2, England and Wales

    Rhyddhawyd ar: 17 November 2014 | Setiau data

    Annual birth statistics by month and quarter of occurrence, by place of birth and for multiple births.

  • Welsh language skills by country of birth

    Rhyddhawyd ar: 28 March 2023 | Setiau data

    This dataset provides Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents in Wales aged 3 years and over in Wales by Welsh language skills and country of birth. The estimates are as at Census Day, 21 March 2021.

  • Birth cohort tables for infant deaths

    Rhyddhawyd ar: 20 April 2017 | Setiau data

    Live births, stillbirths and linked infant deaths for babies born in a given calendar year in England and Wales, and associated risk factors including gestational age, birthweight, mother's age at birth and ethnicity.

  • EMP06: Employment by country of birth and nationality

    Rhyddhawyd ar: 13 August 2024 | Setiau data

    Employment levels and rates by country of birth and nationality, UK, published quarterly, non-seasonally adjusted. Labour Force Survey. These are official statistics in development.

  • Parents’ Country of Birth Comparison Tool

    Rhyddhawyd ar: 27 August 2015 | Setiau data

    Compare live births in England and Wales in 2014 by parents' country of birth

  • Characteristics of Birth 1, England and Wales

    Rhyddhawyd ar: 24 September 2014 | Setiau data

    Presents statistics on birth registrations in England and Wales by birth characteristics. This package contains summary statistics on stillbirths including figures by age of parents and quarter of occurrence. Tables also provide birthweight data for live and stillbirths by mother's area of usual residence and maternities, live births, and stillbirths in hospitals by area of occurrence.

  • Highest level of qualification by country of birth

    Rhyddhawyd ar: 28 March 2023 | Setiau data

    This dataset provides Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents aged 16 years and over in England and Wales by highest level of qualification and by country of birth. The estimates are as at Census Day, 21 March 2021.

  • Births by mothers’ usual area of residence in the UK

    Rhyddhawyd ar: 20 November 2017 | Setiau data

    Live births in the UK by area of usual residence of mother. The tables contain summary data for local authorities and local health boards (within Wales) including figures by age of mother.

  • Live Births in England and Wales by Characteristics of Mother 1

    Rhyddhawyd ar: 16 October 2014 | Setiau data

    Annual birth statistics by age of mother, type of registration, and mean age of mother by birth order.

  • Pregnancy and ethnic factors influencing births and infant mortality: England

    Rhyddhawyd ar: 20 April 2017 | Setiau data

    Births and deaths by gestational age in England. Other stratification include birthweight, mother's age at birth and ethnicity.