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Average incomes, taxes and benefits of all households by income decile group from financial year ending 2018 to financial year ending 2020, UK
Average adjusted disposable income and expenditure by five year age bands of the household reference person, financial year ending (FYE) 2003 to FYE 2018, UK
Number of gas and electricity consumers and average disposable income and energy expenditure for various groups of individuals, by income quintile and decile, UK, financial year ending 2018
Five-year annualised average income and expenditure growth rate for the bottom 40 per cent and all households, financial year ending 2003 to financial year ending 2018
Average incomes, taxes and benefits of all households by quintile group, (ranked by equivalised gross income), UK, between financial year ending 2013 and financial year ending 2017
Average incomes, taxes and benefits and the number of people in households receiving more in benefits than they pay in tax, Scotland, financial year ending 2017 to financial year ending 2020
Average household incomes, taxes and benefits (£ per year) of non-retired individuals with and without children by equivalised disposable income quintile group, UK. Financial Year Ending 2022
LFS: Unemployed: UK: All: Aged 16+: 000s: SA: Annual = 4 quarter average
LFS: Unemployed: UK: All: Aged 16+: 000s: SA: Annual = 4 quarter average
LFS: Unemployed: UK: All: Aged 16+: 000s: SA: Annual = 4 quarter average