Canlyniadau chwilio ar gyfer %E5%AE%A0%E7%89%A9%E5%85%BB%E6%88%90%E6%BA%90%E7%A0%81%E5%BF%AB%E9%80%9F%E6%90%AD%E5%BB%BA%E3%80%90TG%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD@EK7676%E3%80%91%E5%B9%B3%E5%8F%B0%E5%8C%85%E7%BD%91%E6%90%AD%E5%BB%BA%E5%AE%A0%E7%89%A9%E5%85%BB%E6%88%90%E6%BA%90%E7%A0%81%E5%BF%AB%E9%80%9F%E6%90%AD%E5%BB%BA%E3%80%90TG%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD@EK7676%E3%80%91%E5%B9%B3%E5%8F%B0%E5%8C%85%E7%BD%91%E6%90%AD%E5%BB%BAz4klUxOb4u
Mireinio'r canlyniadau
Clirio'r cyfan10458 canlyniadau
Nid oes unrhyw ganlyniadau cyfatebol
Dewis pwnc arall neu clirio pob hidlydd.
Nid yw holl gynnwys y cyfrifia wedi'i ryddhau. Edrychwch am ddatganiadau sydd i ddod ar y calendr datganiadau. Fel arall, gallwch greu set ddata eich fun.
Non-Fin Corp (S11): Medium & long term bonds issued by UK MFI's & other UK residents (F.32N5-6): Flow: Liability: CP: £m: NSA
NPISH (S.15): Shares and other equity issued by the rest of the world (AF.519N9): Asset: Current price: £m: NSA
Central govt receipts: taxes on expenditure: car tax
Balance Sheet: S.1HN: LE: AN.1173: Software: CP: NSA: £m
FC: MF: Prim inc: Res: D.43: Prop inc Reinv earns on frgn inv
CG resources: D6132 ESA10: Households Actual Social Contributions
Central Government: FlowsNet BorrowingLending: CP NSA
Balance Sheet: S.1HN: LE: AN.1171: R&D: CP: NSA: £m
Air emissions Nitrous Oxide (N2O)-Agriculture, forestry and fishing-Thousand tonnes CO2 equivalent
Material flows Domestic Extraction-Non-metallic minerals - Other-Thousand tonnes