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Nid yw holl gynnwys y cyfrifia wedi'i ryddhau. Edrychwch am ddatganiadau sydd i ddod ar y calendr datganiadau. Fel arall, gallwch greu set ddata eich fun.
UK Economic Accounts: balance of payments - current account
Quarterly transactions in trade in goods and services, primary, secondary and investment income, transactions with EU and non-EU countries and capital account.
UK Balance of Payments – The Pink Book time series
Annual time series data for the UK Balance of Payments.
UK Economic Accounts: balance of payments - financial account
Quarterly transactions associated with changes of ownership of the UK's foreign financial assets and liabilities. These include direct, portfolio and other investment, sector analysis and government reserve assets.
Annexes for Detailed assessment of changes to balance of payments annual estimates
Annex of changes and their impact on main balance of payments and international investment position (IIP) estimates.
Detailed assessment of changes to balance of payments annual estimates, 1997 to 2019 annex tables
Annex tables to accompany the forthcoming changes and their indicative impact on main balance of payments and international investment position (IIP) estimates. These changes will be introduced when revised figures for the UK National Accounts and Balance of Payments, consistent with Blue Book 2021 and Pink Book 2021, are published on 29 October 2021.
UK Economic Accounts: balance of payments - international investment position
Quarterly end-of-period balance sheet levels of UK external assets and liabilities, including direct, portfolio and other investment, sector analysis and government reserve assets.
Detailed assessment of changes to Balance of Payments annual estimates, chart tables
Data used to inform the charts within the Detailed assessment of changes to Balance of Payments annual estimates, 1997 to 2014 article
Coronavirus and the effects on the UK Balance of Payments
Detailed assessment of changes to sector and financial accounts, balance of payments and quarterly GDP annex tables
Annex tables to accompany the indicative impacts of improvements to the balance of payments, international investment position and sector accounts estimates. These improvements are being introduced when the UK National Accounts are published on 30 September 2020.
United Kingdom Balance of Payments - The Pink Book : 2015
Balances between inward and outward transactions, providing a net flow of transactions between UK residents and the rest of the world and reports on how that flow is funded.